In this Document
APPLIES TO:Oracle GoldenGate - Version to [Release 10.4.0 to]Information in this document applies to any platform. **Checked for relevance on 20-06-2014** SYMPTOMSWhen trying to add trandata, GG reports the following warning message
GGSCI> add trandata sh.products
2011-08-03 14:57:20 WARNING OGG-00869 Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle: No unique key is defined for table PRODUCTS. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key. But I can see there is a primary key 'PRODUCTS_PK' defined for table sh.products. CAUSEThe PK for the table is either not enabled or not validated.SOLUTION
1. Check the status of PK
2.. We can see the PK is "NOT VALIDATED". Use the following sql to make it valid.
sql> select owner, constraint_name, constraint_type, status, validated from dba_constraints where owner='SH' and constraint_name = 'PRODUCTS_PK';
owner, constraint_name, constraint_type, status, validated -------------------------------------------------------------- SH PRODUCTS_PK P ENABLED NOT VALIDATED
SQL> alter table sh.products modify constraint PK_PRODUCTS validate;
Table altered. 3. Once the PK is enabled and validated, try to add trandata again.
GGSCI (sdc-t5240-5-121) 9> add trandata SH.PRODUCTS
Logging of supplemental redo data enabled for table SH.PRODUCTS. |
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