Sunday, May 15, 2016

Oracle GoldenGate: Best Practices and Security

For replication to be robust, well tuned and secure, some of the out-of-the box settings need to modified. Here is a list of these items, focusing on the Goldengate Best Practices and Security, in areas such as the Database, Parameters, processes, etc.

Oracle GoldenGate: Best Practices and Security

Oracle Database

• Ensure that all the tables have Primary keys.
• Do not grant the DBA privilege to the GG user, give only the required privileges.
• Supplemental logging should be enabled using TRANDATA

Oracle Golden Gate Parameter files

• Use USECHECKPOINTS with the PURGEOLDEXTRACTS clause in the mgr.prm file.
PURGEOLDEXTRACTS , USECHECKPOINTS, MINKEEPHOURS 24 MINKEEPFILES 30 • Do not use HANDLECOLLISIONS unless it is absolutely required and temporary. Read more on effects of using handle collisions
• If HANDLECOLLISIONS is being used it should only be set for specific tables ONLY and the remainder tables set to NOHANDLECOLLISIONS.

Oracle Golden Gate Performance

• Increase read buffer size of dblogreader to 4M
 • Use datapump compression

Oracle Golden Gate High Availability

• Add autostart for mgr process
• Add auto restart specifying at least 3 minimum restart attempts
AUTORESTART EXTRACT *, RETRIES , WAITMINUTES , RESETMINUTES • Use checkpoint table not checkpoint file for checkpoint recovery.

Oracle GoldenGate Security

• In PCI environments personal sensitive data should be excluded by the extract process, to avoid any of this data in the trail files.
• Used password encryption
• Use datapump encryption
• Use trail file encryption


• Write lag messages and warnings to the ggserror.log file for all the Oracle Goldengate processes.

• Use WARNLONGTRANS 2h, CHECKINTERVAL 10m (example) on extract side to write warnings to the alert log for long running transactions
• Write record count of transactions every 1 hour or so to report log.
REPORTCOUNT EVERY HOURS, RATE • Rollover the report for the individual processes daily.

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