Monday, December 21, 2015



Use INFO REPLICAT to retrieve the processing history of a Replicat group. The output of this command includes:
  • The status of Replicat (STARTINGRUNNINGSTOPPED or ABENDED). STARTING means that the process has started but has not yet locked the checkpoint file for processing.
  • (Oracle database) The Replicat mode: non-integrated or integrated.
  • Whether or not Replicat is in coordinated mode and, if so, how many threads it currently uses.
  • Approximate Replicat lag.
  • The trail from which Replicat is reading.
  • Replicat run history, including checkpoints in the trail.
  • Information about the Replicat environment.
The basic command displays information only for online (continuous) Replicat groups. Tasks are excluded.
Replicat can be stopped or running when INFO REPLICAT is issued. In the case of a running process, the status of RUNNING can mean one of the following:
  • Active: Running and processing (or able to process) data. This is the normal state of a process after it is started.
  • Suspended: The process is running, but suspended due to an EVENTACTIONS SUSPEND action. In a suspended state, the process is not active, and no data can be processed, but the state of the current run is preserved and can be continued by issuing the RESUME command in GGSCI. The RBA in the INFO command reflects the last checkpointed position before the suspend action. To determine whether the state is active or suspended, issue the SEND REPLICAT command with the STATUS option.
About lag
Checkpoint Lag is the lag, in seconds, at the time the last checkpoint was written to the trail. For example, consider the following example.
  • Current time = 15:00:00
  • Last checkpoint = 14:59:00
  • Timestamp of the last record processed =14:58:00
Assuming these values, the lag is reported as 00:01:00 (one minute, the difference between 14:58 and 14:59).
A lag value of UNKNOWN indicates that Replicat could be running but has not yet processed records, or that the source system's clock is ahead of the target system's clock (due to clock imperfections, not time zone differences). For more precise lag information, use LAG REPLICAT (see "LAG REPLICAT").
INFO REPLICAT group_name[threadID]
[, SHOWCH [n]]
The name of:
  • A Replicat group or a wildcard (*) to specify multiple groups. For example, T* shows information for all Replicat groups whose names begin with T.
  • A thread of a coordinated Replicat, identified by its full name. For example, fin003 shows information only for thread 3 of the fin group.
Displays detail information. For an Oracle target, DETAIL displays the name of the inbound server when Replicat is in integrated mode. SeeExample 1-0.
To view LOGBSN information with the DETAIL output, issue the DBLOGIN command before you issue INFO REPLICAT. If the command is issued for a specific thread ID of a coordinated Replicat, only the LOGBSN for that thread is displayed. Otherwise, the LOGBSNs for all threads are displayed. For more information about recovering Extract by using the LOGBSN, see Administering Oracle GoldenGate for Windows and UNIX.
If Replicat is in coordinated mode, DETAIL will display only the active threads. For example, if a Replicat named CR was created with a maximum of 15 threads, but only threads 7-9 are running, INFO REPLICAT group_name with DETAIL will show only the coordinator thread (CR), CR007CR008, and CR009. Checkpoints will exist for the other threads, but they will not be shown in the command output. See the examples for sample output.
Displays current checkpoint details, including those recorded to the checkpoint file and those recorded to the checkpoint table, if one is being used. The database checkpoint display includes the table name, the hash key (unique identifier), and the create timestamp.
Specify a value for n to include the specified number of previous checkpoints as well as the current one.
See Administering Oracle GoldenGate for Windows and UNIX for more information about checkpoints.
Displays only Replicat tasks. Tasks that were specified by a wildcard argument are not displayed by INFO REPLICAT.
Displays all Replicat groups, including tasks.
Example 1   
Example 2   
Example 3   
Example 4   
The following shows sample output of INFO REPLICAT with DETAIL.
REPLICAT   DELTPCC          Last Started 2011-01-21 11:40 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag              00:00:00 (updated 232:39:41 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint File    C:\GGS\DIRDAT\RT000000
                            2011-01-21 18:54:33.000000 RBA 4735245

Extract Source             Begin                      End
C:\GGS\DIRDAT\RT000000     2011-01-21 18:54           2011-01-21 18:54
C:\GGS\DIRDAT\RT000000     * Initialized *            2011-01-21 18:54

Current directory          C:\GGS
Report file                C:\GGS\dirrpt\DELTPCC.rpt
Parameter file             dirprm\DELTPCC.prm
Checkpoint file            C:\GGS\dirchk\DELTPCC.cpr
Checkpoint table           GG.CHECKPT
Process file               C:\GGS\dirpcs\DELTPCC.pcr
Error log                  C:\GGS\ggserr.log
Example 5   
The following shows INFO EXTRACT with DETAIL for a coordinated Replicat.
GGSCI (sysa) 3> info ra detail

REPLICAT   RA       Last Started 2013-05-01 14:15   Status RUNNING
COORDINATED          Coordinator                      MAXTHREADS 15
Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:07 ago)
Process ID           11445
Log Read Checkpoint  File ./dirdat/withMaxTransOp/bg000001
                     2013-05-02 07:49:45.975662  RBA 44704

Lowest Log BSN value: (requires database login)

Active Threads:
 ID  Group Name PID   Status   Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt
1   RA001     11454 RUNNING  00:00:00      00:00:01
2   RA002     11455 RUNNING  00:00:00      00:00:04
3   RA003     11456 RUNNING  00:00:00      00:00:01
5   RA005     11457 RUNNING  00:00:00      00:00:02 
6   RA006     11458 RUNNING  00:00:00      00:00:04
7   RA007     11459 RUNNING  00:00:00      00:00:04 
Current directory    /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1
Report file          /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/dirrpt/RA.rpt
Parameter file       /net/slc03jgo/scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/dirprm/ra.prm
Checkpoint file      /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/dirchk/RA.cpr
Checkpoint table     atstgt.checkPoint_ra
Process file         /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/dirpcs/RA.pcr
Error log            /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/ggserr.log
Example 6   
The following shows INFO EXTRACT with DETAIL for a threadID of a coordinated Replicat.
GGSCI (sysa) 5> info ra002 detail

REPLICAT   RA002    Last Started 2013-05-01 14:15   Status RUNNING
COORDINATED          Replicat Thread                  Thread 2
Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:02 ago)
Process ID           11455
Log Read Checkpoint  File ./dirdat/withMaxTransOp/bg000001
                     2013-05-01 14:13:37.000000  RBA 44704

Current Log BSN value: (requires database login)

  Extract Source                          Begin             End  
             ./dirdat/withMaxTransOp/bg000001        2013-05-01 14:11  2013-05-01 14:13
  ./dirdat/withMaxTransOp/bg000001        2013-05-01 14:11  2013-05-01 14:11
  ./dirdat/withMaxTransOp/bg000001        * Initialized *   2013-05-01 14:11
  ./dirdat/withMaxTransOp/bg000000        * Initialized *   First Record 
   Current directory    /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1
Report file          /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/dirrpt/RA002.rpt
Parameter file       /net/slc03jgo/scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/dirprm/ra.prm
Checkpoint file      /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/dirchk/RA002.cpr
Checkpoint table     atstgt.checkPoint_ra
Process file         /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/dirpcs/RA002.pcr
Error log            /scratch/vara/view_storage/vara_gg7/work/worklv/oggora1/ggserr.log

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